Working Group Quality in Laboratories

Discussion Group of the ICP forests Working Group on Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Laboratories

Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) - Interlaboratory Comparison Test launched

Dear colleagues

A Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) was launched in 2017 in order to improve the quality and comparability of analytical data produced by routine and research soil laboratories around the world. The GLOSOLAN would like to increase the number of research laboratories participating to their interlaboratory comparison tests.

At the last ICP-FORESTS FSEPM in spring 2021, we found out that it is very hard to define one common method to measure plant available P in the soil and that ring test information could help us in the selection of the most optimal method (which might in the end be soil specific...).  And exactly in the GLOSOLAN ring test announced they consider four different methods to measure plant available P (see their SOPs).


If your laboratory wants to take part see enclosed pdf-file.


All the best,

Alfred Fürst

Ringtest registration