Lena Wohlgemuth

Eberswalde, Brandenburg


Profile Information:

Institution / Company
PCC, Thünen Institute
Function / Job Title

Comment Wall:

  • Héctor García Gómez

    Wellcome, Lena!

    Thank you for joining us.

  • Héctor García Gómez

    You have shown a very interesting teaser! Thank you very much.

    Maybe we can talk some day about this database and the possibility of using it for for informing critical load revisions.

    The relationship between foliar stoichometry and N deposition has been explored several times, but there are a lot of covariables.

    I'll be glad if we can discuss your work further, since attending online it is not ideal for understanding the scope of it. I'm interested in exploring a similar approach in the Mediterranean region.

    Thank you again.