Meeting of the heads of the labs in Pallanza, Italy 7.-8. Sept.

Event Details

Meeting of the heads of the labs in Pallanza, Italy 7.-8. Sept.

Time: September 7, 2017 at 8:30am to September 8, 2017 at 5:45pm
Location: Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi, Pallanza, Italy
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Aldo Marchetto, Nils König
Latest Activity: Aug 16, 2017

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Event Description

The next meeting of the heads of the labs will take 
place in Pallanza, Italy at the Istituto per lo Studio
degli Ecosistemi from 7. to 8. Sept. 2017!

As chair persons of the WG QA/QC in Labs we want to invite you cordially to this meeting!

The fee for the meeting is 60 euro, which has to be paid by bank transfer, and it will include three meals and coffee breaks.

A small excursion is planned for Friday afternoon, which will include a guided tour to the “Villa Taranto” botanical garden at the extra cost of 10 euros, to be paid with the registration.

For the registration please send an e-mail to Aldo Marchetto and Nils König (, before August 20th


-       a copy of the bank transfer

-       the name, address and VAT number of your Insitution.

-       your preference for the 6th September social dinner: meat, fish or vegetarian and any allergy

-       your arrival date and time

The registration fee (60 Euro without or 70 Euro with excursion) has to be transfered to:

Beneficiary: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Incassi e pagamenti giornalieri

Address: piazzale Aldo Moro 7 Roma.

IBAN IT75N0100503392000000218150 SWIFT/BIC BNLITRR

Please specify that the bank transfer is for “ICP Forests meeting of the heads of the labs at ISE”.

The hotel reservation must be done by your own – see attached venue paper from Aldo Marchetto (VERBANIA IS A TOURISTIC PLACE, SO PLEASE DO NOT WAIT THE LAST DAYS TO RESERVE YOUR HOTEL!)

Please look at the announcement, the draft agenda and the questionaire, wich can be downloaded with the links  at the end!

I want invite you to give short presentation(s) (5-8 min.) at our meeting in Pallanza. Please send me the titles of your presentations you will give until 1st August 2017!

 Because we want to discuss if aqua regia digestion in the future should also allowed to be done with microwave digestion we want to ask you for presentations about experience with microwave systems or method comparisons between reflux and microwave system!

We are also interested in presentations about problems, methods, method comparisons and experience in measuring of heavy metals in deposition and soil solution, specially Mercury.

Please send me the titles of your presentations you will give also  until 1st August 2017!


We hope to have fruitful meeting with many participants!


Best wishes

Nils König and Anna Kowalska




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