Together with 58 participants (15 online) from 20 countries we had a successful meeting of the heads of the labs in Birmensdorf from 12th till 13th May 2022. The meeting was very well organized by the team of WSL. We discussed the results of the last ring tests (water, foliage and soil) as well as methodical aspects (ICP-MS, Mercury in wood and deposition samples, bark sampling for determination of the nutrient status,…) and stability of soil solution samples.

Due the retirement from Mr. Alfred Fürst, Mrs. Anna Kowalska will take over the chair and Mrs. Tamara Jakovljević will take over the co-chair of the WG QA/QC in labs (to be confirmed at the next TFM).

The next meeting of the head of the laboratories will take place in Turkey in spring 2024 organized by Mrs. Rabia Günhan.

All presentations can be downloaded from the ICP Forests website.

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