Hi everybody! Maybe this is a stupid question but I would like to know the availability of the data acquired in the field in L1 plots involved in the BioSoil-BIODIVERSITY project. Thanks in advance for your contribution!

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All the L1 validated datasets are available through the Responsible of a given topic, as specified in the resuming table published.

The access will be authorized by PCC-database manager, provided that the related "private" discussion group is established and the participating persons have been involved in the scheduling.

At present only FR and IE are under processing phase, to be concluded soon.

Thanks Roberto. So we will be informed as soon as the data will be ready for the evaluation. Thanks again.

Datasets are now validated to the central db.

Exceptions are some files of FR and IE which might be used under certain conditions and warnings.


Thanks Roberto, what is the procedure for requesting the data for scientific purposes?

To make it clear to everibody.

Once the activity for internal evaluation is under the Topics approved (see the NEW pdf doc), the responsible person of a given topics will contact the PCG data manager Till Kirchner to obtain the access (and instructions) to the validated datasets...

I hope many of you would start soon....   RC


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