On 19.-20. September 2013 the Meeting of the Heads of the Labs took place in Zadar, Croatia.
It was a very fruitful meeting with 27 presentations from members of the group. The results of the last ring tests have been discussed. Many interesting information about problems with analytical methods, method comparisons and new methods have been presented. Problems with the filling of the QA forms for data submission have been discussed and possible consequences have been proposed.
Anna Kowalska and Nils Koenig as the chairs of the group thanked Tamara Jakovljevic for the fantastic preparation and performance of the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting and all presentations can be downloaded from this website under:
Bodies & Structure/Working group QA/QC/Document Archive: B. meeting of the heads of the labs
and under:
Bodies & Structure/Working group QA/QC/Analytical Infos (see under the different chapters!)
or by clicking on the following links:
analytical presentations
other presentations