Dear colleagues,


Detailed information as well as the registration ( ; deadline 8.4.2022) for the 8th Meeting of the Heads of the Laboratories are available on the ICP-FORESTS page ( ).

Speeches on the following topics in particular would be sought: 

  • Experiences with ICP-MS as an analytical method for the measurement of ICP-FORESTS samples
  • Use of the ultrasonic nebulizer for ICP-OES measurement of deposition samples and of digestions of plant samples
  • Problems with the measurement of mercury in deposition samples and their solution
  • Experiences at the current re-qualifications after the last ring tests

Anna Kowalska will become chair of WG-QA/QC in laboratories; we are looking for an interested colleague for the co-chair position.

If you want to give a presentation or if you are willing to take over the co-chair let us know this as soon as possible.

Many thanks to Maria Schmitt and her colleagues who are organizing the meeting!

We hope to meet you in Birmensdorf,

Alfred Fürst & Anna Kowalska

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