Study on Na/Cl ratio seasonality


Study on Na/Cl ratio seasonality

This group evaluates the European deposition data for Na/Cl seasonality in bulk precipitation and throughfall.

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Members: 18
Latest Activity: May 15

Presentation from ICP Forests Scientific Conference 2013

Dear all,

Here, you will find the presentation I gave at the ICP Forests Scientific Conference on our Na/Cl ratio evaluation.

Seasonality Na_Cl_Scientific ICP Forests Conference 2013

Best wishes


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Comment by Peter Waldner on May 23, 2017 at 13:46

Dear Nicolas

Thanks for continuing. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get the work that has already been done before you really start.

Kind regards

Peter Waldner

Comment by Sue Benham on May 22, 2017 at 12:26


Thank you for volunteering. We are still interested in this field, and have a number of storm events in the UK which effect the ratio. Please stay in touch over this.


Comment by Lars Vesterdal on May 19, 2017 at 15:49

God news Nicholas!

We are also interested in this and ready to support - we have a wide variability in these ratios in DK!

Sorry to miss the TF and Scientific conference!

All best


Comment by Dr Elena Vanguelova on May 19, 2017 at 11:03

Dear Nicholas,

I am very pleased to hear that you will continue on the study on Na/Cl ratio. I will be very interested to joint you as we discussed during the ICP meeting, also to look at the impacts on the soil. I may be able to do this with the UK data during this year similar to what you have done for Norway. Lets be in touch. All the best. It was good to see you all this week. Elena

Comment by Arne Verstraeten on May 18, 2017 at 17:04

Dear Nicholas,

it is a pleasure for me to read that you would like to continue the interesting study on Na/Cl ratios that Karin initiated. Thank you for taking this initiative!

Best regards,


Comment by Karin Hansen on May 18, 2017 at 10:20

Dear Nicholas

I am happy to hear that you are interested in this evaluation and perhaps have means and time to continue it next year. Thanks for letting us know! Perhaps other members are interesting in joining you in taking this further.

Best wishes


Comment by Nicholas John Clarke on May 18, 2017 at 10:17

Dear Karin,

Thanks for your great contribution to this work. I'm sorry you aren't able to continue with it. Coming from a country with a lot of sea salt deposition in some areas, and having an interest in both sea salt effects and the chlorine cycle in forest ecosystems, I am interested in continuing the work. Unfortunately, I don't have time this year, but will (hopefully) be able to take it further next year.

All the best,


Comment by Karin Hansen on April 26, 2017 at 10:25


Dear all

As some of you heard at the recent EPD meeting in Zagreb, I and my coauthors are unable to carry on with this evaluation. As we have fine data for it and have already come far in the evaluations we are sad to see these work efforts get lost. Please, see the attached file for seeing work so far.

We therefore hope that some of you other members of EPD could take this evaluation on board and take it further. The current authors will off course support you in every way we can.

Please, consider taking this on-board and get back to us as soon as possible!

Best wishes



Members (18)


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