Dear All,


While a lot of you received the call below by email I would like to draw your intention to our request for photos. I hope that we can collect pictures from meetings or field trips to show the history of ICP Forests. Please send them to:


Thank you in advance and best wishes,


With the 30 years anniversary of ICP Forests this year we are looking into the past, as well as in the future. The future with our new strategy and the rich past of 30 years of forest monitoring and joint efforts to protect our forests as well as working on the scientific forefront.

To celebrate this occasion we would like to collect your impressions from the last 30 years. Therefore we would like to ask each NFC to provide us with a short statement (~100 words) with your thoughts on ICP Forests which will be shared in the anniversary report under the  topic: Messages from the member states

Expert Panels
Similar to the messages from the member states we would like a few sentences on your expert panel. While we will provide an overview on the surveys and their historic addition to the programme it would be great if you could share some more personal impressions - I personally would feel it appropriate to write some words remembering the work of Matthias Dobbertin and John Derome especially.  These messages would be short again (~300 words) and appear under the topic: Expert Panels - combining scientific knowledge

Friends of ICP Forests
There are so many of you who worked for and with ICP Forests over the years we feel unable to address you individually. Nevertheless ICP Forests owes you and we would like to incorporate your ideas for the future. This is slightly different to the other tasks but we would greatly appreciate your vision to where ICP Forests should be heading in your opinion. Please provide us with your ideas, strategy, or dreams (~100 words). We will use them under the topic: (The past, the present,) and the future - development and key persons.

Furthermore we already received some extensive reviews and overviews from the Scientific Committee - thanks to all of you who contributed! However, should anybody would like to include a scientific highlight from the last 30 years please contact me to discuss how it could be incorporated.
What we are still envisaging is an overview on the development within the Quality Assurance Committee, the WG on Quality in Laboratories, and the Scientific Evaluation Committee. All of them having done tremendous work over the years and it would be great to receive a list of the milestones you achieved.

On the whole you can see that it will be a colourful mixture of messages, articles, pictures, and other contributions hopefully being able to do justice to the variety of people involved as well as the huge efforts going into ICP Forests. It will be completed by a preface and a forward.

We would appreciate your input by the 10th May 2015 in order to present some of the contents during the celebrate at the Task Force Meeting. We would greatly appreciate you providing us with pictures as well! Be it from meetings or individual people but please make sure to tell us who is on the pictures.

Thank you for all your great work and support.
Please feel free to forward the email to anybody you feel would like to contribute.

Yours faithfully,
Tanja Sanders

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Comment by Bashkim Mal Lushaj on December 8, 2015 at 22:24

Dear Mrs. Tanja Sanders,

I have my pleasure to send my greetings from our country, Albania to you and all staffs involved in ICP Forests.

Thanks a lot for all helps and cooperation given to me and my ex-staff, which now does not exist as a Forest and Pasture Research Institute (I am so sorry)! We gave our modest contribution to this very important programme for Europe and beyond, as International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests operating under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)!


Prof. Dr. Bashkim Mal LUSHAJ
Ex-Head of National Focal Centres (NFC), Albania
(Dr. Msc. Eng. Econ. Lawyer. Bashkim Mal LUSHAJ, Full Professor
Department of Water Resources and Renewable Energies (DWARA), Institute of Geosciences & Energy, Water & Environment (IGWE) & the same time
Department of Environmental Engineering (DEE), Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE), Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUT). Str. of "Don Bosko", No. 60; P.O. Box No: 244/1, Tirana, Albania).

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