FORECO Special Issue on Forest Monitoring available on line

The Special Issue of Forest Ecology and Management based on the papers arising from the ICP Scientific Conference 2012 held in Warsaw is now in press. The SI include five papers plus one editorial. They are listed below and can be accessed on line:



Ferretti M., Schaub M. Monitoring European Forests – Detecting and Understanding Changes. Forest Ecology and Management, Forest Ecol. Manage. (2013),




Cools, N., et al. Tree species is the major factor explaining C:N ratios in European forest soils. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2013),   

Etzold, S., et al. Tree growth in Swiss forests between 1995 and 2010 in relation to climate and stand conditions: Recent disturbances matter. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2013),

Ferretti, M., et al. Plot-scale modelling to detect size, extent, and correlates of changes in tree defoliation in French high forests. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2013),

Giordani, P., et al. Detecting the nitrogen critical loads on European forests by means of epiphytic lichens. A signal-to-noise evaluation. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2013),

Merilä, P., et al. Above- and below-ground N stocks in coniferous boreal forests in Finland: Implications for sustainability of more intensive biomass utilization. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2013),

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