FORECOMON 2022 - Submission of abstracts opened

This year's FORECOMON 2022 "Forest dynamics in the Anthropocene – Integrated monitoring toward a whole system approach" will be held in Helsinki, Finland, 30 May - 1 June 2022 hosted by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
Now, the abstract submission for the FORECOMON 2022 is open.
The deadline for abstract submission is 28 February 2022.  
Please visit the FORECOMON 2022 website for the abstract guidelines and submission workflow.
In the light of the scope of this conference, we particularly welcome contributions from long term monitoring networks, such as sister networks under the UNECE Working Group on Effects, ICOS, eLTER, DANUBIUS, ACTRIS, and AnaEE. We aim for a balanced program comprising traditional evaluations as well as the latest approaches using remote sensing techniques.
Our goal is to stimulate an inspiring discussion on future monitoring, integrating information from the range of monitoring networks with a whole system approach.

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