Dear participants of the 11th Deposition and soil solution WRT 2021/2022,

The automatic data evaluation based on the median values has been completed and cross-checked.

You can check now the results and qualification report of your laboratory at by entering your laboratory code and your password.

The report can be downloaded at

From now on the requalification procedure starts for the failed parameters for all laboratories that participate in the ICP Forests program, i.e. you need to find the reason for the failed results. The laboratories which did not pass the ring-test have to reanalyze these samples/parameters and return corrected or reanalyzed results and thorough explanations by email to A.Kowalska@ibles.waw.

Requalification documents must contain at least:

  • reason for failing,
  • measures against this error in future,
  • printouts from the instruments,
  • analysis date,
  • reports from your equipment calibration,
  • control charts,
  • calculation coefficients, etc.

Please, use attached form for requalification report; save the report with your lab code in the file name. In all correspondence please use your Lab code. Good hints how to proceed with your requalification procedure can be found at the webpage of ringtest information ( Requalification is finally confirmed when the lab successfully participates in the next ringtest.

The second bottle for every sample that was sent in the sample box should be used for the requalification. Requalification is possible by 02 April 2022.

Final results, encountered problems and the evaluation of the 11th WRT Interlaboratory Comparison will be presented at the next joint meeting of the EP’s and Working group on QAQC and at the Meeting of the Heads of the Laboratory.

Thank you for your contribution and look forward to further co-operation,

Best regards,
Anna Kowalska

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