All Blog Posts (131)

ICP Forests 2022 Technical Report available online

The PCC is happy to announce that the ICP Forests 2022 Technical Report and the Online Supplement are now available online and can be downloaded from the ICP Forests website.

Printed copies will be available…


Added by Alexa Michel on September 14, 2022 at 11:30 — No Comments

12th Deposition and soil solution Working Ring Test 2022/2023

All laboratories that perform deposition and soil solution analyses in ICP Forests are kindly invited to participate in the 12th Working Ring Test in order to assess the quality of the deposition and soil solution data collected in the ICP Forests programme on the Intensive Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems (EC-UN/ECE ICP Forests). The registration is open until 30th September 2022.

All necessary information are available in the document:…


Added by ICP-Forests Admin on September 5, 2022 at 12:00 — No Comments

Recent editorial in Nature emphasize the importance of long-term forest monitoring (and its funding).

A one-page editorial published on 18th August on Nature put emphasis on the need and the importance of long-term forest monitoring: "the edifice of forest science relies on the long-term data that scientists wring from forests over decades. Our chances of overcoming climate change are small, but they will diminish further if we forget the basics of monitoring our home planet."

Among others, in the editorial it is also pointed out that long term observations "depends on…


Added by Marco Ferretti on September 2, 2022 at 14:48 — No Comments

New videos on the effects of nitrogen on forests available in French, German, and Italian

The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN has published a new video on the effects of nitrogen deposition on Swiss forests. It is a beautifully designed educational video aimed at the general public.

The video is available on YouTube in three languages so far:…


Added by Alexa Michel on June 15, 2022 at 12:30 — 1 Comment

New e-learning course on the UNECE Air Convention

There is a new self-paced online course that aims to raise awareness about air pollution and its effects, ways to prevent and reduce harmful emissions and the Convention and its protocols as an international framework for co-operation on cleaner air.

The course features four distinct modules that aim to equip learners with the knowledge and resource…


Added by Alexa Michel on June 14, 2022 at 13:25 — No Comments

Establishment of new Ad hoc Working Group on Tree Physiology

The new Ad Hoc Working Group on Tree Physiology within the EP Crown Condition and Damage Causes is still looking for experts in forest ecophysiology.

For more information, please have a  look at their call or contact Filippo Bussotti ( and Martina Pollastrini ( directly.

Added by Alexa Michel on June 14, 2022 at 12:16 — No Comments

38th Task Force Meeting of ICP Forests successfully held online

The 38th Task Force Meeting was held online with 93 participants from 28 countries, including presenters from other bodies under the Convention and external guests.

Thank you again to all participants for making this meeting a success and we hope to see you again in person at the 39th TFM in Helsinki next year!

With best…


Added by Alexa Michel on June 10, 2022 at 16:00 — No Comments

Successful meeting of the Heads of the Labs in Birmensdorf, Switzerland

The ICP Forests Heads of the Labs Meeting took place at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL on 12-13 May 2022 with 58 participants (15 online) from 20 countries.

Topics that were discussed included the results of the last ring tests (water, foliage and soil) as well as methodical aspects (ICP-MS, Mercury in wood and deposition samples, bark sampling for determination of the nutrient status,…), and the stability of soil solution samples.

Due to the…


Added by Alexa Michel on May 31, 2022 at 9:25 — No Comments

Joint Expert Panel Meeting successfully held in Prague, 5-7 April 2022

We thank Vít Šrámek and his colleagues from the Czech Forestry and Game Management Research Institute for organizing this year's Joint Expert Panel Meeting in Prague, 5-7 April 2022.

Participants were very grateful for meeting in person again after two years of online meetings under the COVID19-pandemic and appreciated peaceful…


Added by Alexa Michel on April 8, 2022 at 15:00 — No Comments

FORECOMON 2022 - Postponed to 2023!

Due to the political situation in Europe determined by the Russian attack to Ukraine, we are no longer able to host the anticipated meetings with LUKE in Finland. We are aware that this may cause several inconveniences on your side, for which we apologize.

The 38th Task Force Meeting of ICP Forests will be held as an online meeting under the organization of the Programme Co-ordinating Centre of ICP Forests.

The FORECOMON 2022, however, will be postponed to…


Added by Anne-Katrin Prescher on April 6, 2022 at 11:30 — No Comments

Webinar: Monitoring and Assessing Forest Health by Forest Europe and ICP Forests - 21 March 2022 - 13:00-14:30

This webinar in cooperation between Forest Europe and ICP Forests will focus on

(1) the policy-making perspective of forest health monitoring, current criteria and indicators, and future needs for decision-making,

(2) the state-of-the-art developments in the field from terrestrial and remote…


Added by Alexa Michel on February 11, 2022 at 17:30 — No Comments

FORECOMON 2022 - Submission of abstracts opened

This year's FORECOMON 2022 "Forest dynamics in the Anthropocene – Integrated monitoring toward a whole system approach" will be held in Helsinki, Finland, 30 May - …

Added by Anne-Katrin Prescher on February 8, 2022 at 14:00 — No Comments

Happy holidays & a peaceful and healthy new year 2022

The Chairman of ICP Forests and the team at the Programme Co-ordinating Centre of ICP Forests wish all members and friends of ICP Forests

a happy holiday season and a peaceful and healthy new year 2022.

We would like to specifically express again our sincere gratitude to everyone involved in the ICP Forests and especially to the…


Added by Alexa Michel on December 15, 2021 at 12:30 — No Comments

ICP Forests Brief No 5 - Tree health - now available online

We are pleased to announce the online publication of

ICP Forests Brief No 5 - Tree health is deteriorating in the European forests

You can download this brochure from the ICP Forests website. Printed copies will be available soon.

With best wishes for the holiday season

Alexa Michel



Added by Alexa Michel on December 15, 2021 at 8:40 — No Comments

ICP Forests 2021 Technical Report now available online

We are happy to inform you that the ICP Forests 2021 Technical Report is now available online and can be downloaded from the ICP Forests website.

Printed copies will be available soon.

With best wishes

Alexa Michel

on behalf…


Added by Alexa Michel on November 16, 2021 at 14:19 — 1 Comment

Healthy air, healthy planet: UNEP's 2nd International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

With the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies on 7 September, the United Nations Environment Programme issues for the second time a global call for action toward a single, unifying objective: clean air for all.

This year, the focus is on the need for healthy air…


Added by Alexa Michel on September 6, 2021 at 11:00 — No Comments

11th Deposition and soil solution Working Ring Test 2021/2022

The Polish Forest Research Institute invites all laboratories that perform deposition and soil solution analyses in ICP Forests to participate in the 11th Working Ring Test in order to assess the quality of the deposition and soil solution data collected in the ICP Forests programme on the Intensive Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems (EC-UN/ECE ICP Forests). The registration deadline is 30th September 2021.

All necessary information are available in the document below. If you have any…


Added by Alfred FÜRST on August 31, 2021 at 13:30 — No Comments

ICP Forests Brief No 3 available in Serbian language

The ICP Forests Brief No 3 titled Ozone concentrations are decreasing but exposure remains high in European forests is now available in Serbian: Концентрације озона се смањују али је изложеност и даље висока у шумама Европе

Please note that ICP Forests Briefs can be…


Added by Alexa Michel on April 15, 2021 at 12:44 — No Comments

Joint Expert Panel Meeting, 8-12 March 2021 - Thank you!

We would like to thank all Expert Panel members for their valuable participation in this years Joint EP meeting and we are especially grateful to the EP/WG chairs for the organization and chairing of their respective meeting.

With 233 registered participants joining online from 29 European countries and discussing current issues and developments in…


Added by Alexa Michel on March 23, 2021 at 16:00 — No Comments

New report: Heavy metals in forest floors and topsoils of ICP Forests Level I plots

We are happy to announce the publication of a new INBO/ICP Forests report on:

Heavy metals in forest floors and topsoils of ICP Forests Level I plots: Based on the combined Forest Soil Condition Database - Level I (FSCDB.LI)

by Tine Bommarez, Nathalie Cools and Bruno De Vos from the Research Institute…


Added by Alexa Michel on February 11, 2021 at 10:30 — No Comments

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